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Data Analysis Using Minitab
(Using Minitab Answer the following) Consider a manufacturing plant that produces high-quality products primarily using skilled labor. They are concerned about defects found in the surface coating for their product and have been exploring potential improvement strategies. Note that each prompt below may require more than one visualization and/or analysis to fully answer.

  1. Previous study showed that there is a difference in Quality ratings based on the Team. Considering this, they would like to test four potential factors (Line, Method, Temperature, and Humidity) while controlling for the effect of Team. Using the provided data, create a 2k factorial model by restructuring the Method factor as two, two-level factors and treating Team as a four-level blocked variable. Use Minitab to generate a 25-2 model blocked by replicates and extract the relevant data from the provided dataset to complete the analysis. Discuss the validity, fit, and reliability of the model and interpret the results including addressing any important aliased relationships.
  2. Identify the treatment combinations that would be needed to complete the full fold-over for this design and briefly discuss how the fold-over model would help to interpret the results from Part 2. Complete the full fold-over, discuss the validity, fit, and reliability of the model, and interpret the results.
  3. Use a general full factorial DOE model to evaluate the original five factors using their defined levels (a mixed-level design). Discuss the validity, fit and reliability of the model and interpret the results.

Option 4: Conduct an Oral History

For this assignment, you will have an opportunity to conduct an oral history with someone to learn about their immigration experience.
Find someone who you think be a good storyteller. You may interview someone you know or who you are related to if you like, but it may be easier to come up with questions for (and ask questions of) a person you don’t know as well. You must select someone willing to have their interview transcribed and published – so be transparent about the assignment and you intentions.

Background research:

You will need to know some basic facts about the country from which they immigrated as well as the time period in which they came to the US, both to create a good list of questions as well as provide a little context for their story, so do some research on dates and events. Use trusted academic sources (reference texts, academic books, academic journals), not Wikipedia, newspapers, magazines, or blogs. You will be citing your sources in a bibliography.

Create a list of interview questions

After conducting your background research, create a list of about 15-20 questions. Aim for a few simple questions, with the majority being open-ended questions (i.e., Ones that cannot be answered with simply a “yes”, or “no”).

Conduct and record the Interview

Aim for 20-30 minutes Less and you may not have much work with, more and you may have too much. Too much is good; not enough is bad. If this is someone you have safe access to and thus can interview them in persona, bring a backup method for recording just in case your first one fails. Otherwise, try to use something like Zoom or different software that gives you a comparable “face to face’ experience. If possible, also take some handwritten notes during the interview, recording things that might not otherwise be apparent via audio (such as facial expressions, body language, etc.) – this type of visual information is also important.

Transcribe the Interview:

Type up both your questions and interviewee’s answers word-for-word. It is tedious. It is time-consuming. It is also necessary!

Write the “story” or narrative

Provide a short introduction, briefly explaining who was interviewed and any background information you think is necessary to understand the story (including details about the individual or historical facts). Then, using your interview transcription, tell this immigration story as completely as you can in the interviewee’s own words. Your goal is to crat a narrative that is mostly about the interviewee and their experience, so use a lot of direct quotes from the interview

Entering TWO-WAY Data in SPSS

Statistics and maths anxiety are common and affect people's performance on maths and stats assignments; women, in particular, can lack confidence in mathematics (Field, 2010). Zhang, Schmader, & Hall, (2013) did an intriguing study, in which students completed a maths test in which some put their own name on the test booklet, whereas others were given a booklet that already had either a male or female name on it. Participants in the latter two conditions were told that they would use this other person's name for the purpose of the test. Women who completed the test using a different name performed better than those who completed the test using own name. (There were no such effects for men). The data below are a random subsample of Zhang et al.'s data. Enter them into SPSS and save the files as Zhang (2013) subsample.sav

If you need help entering data in SPSS , then our statistic experts will be ready to facilitate you with that.

Using Standard Normal Table to Find Probability

Provide an appropriate response. Use the Standard Normal Table to find the probability.
Assume that blood pressure readings are normally distributed with mu = 120, and sigma = 8. A blood pressure reading of 145 or more may require medical attention. What percent of people have a blood pressure reading greater than 145?

Possible answers; 11.09%, 0.09%, 99.91%, 6.06%

Seventy-five percent of adults want to live to age 100. You randomly select five adults and ask them whether they want to live to age 100. The random variable represents the number of adults who want to live to age 100. Complete parts (a) through (c) below.
binomial probability distribution.png
b) Graph the binomial distribution using a histogram and describe its shape.
histograms and distributions.png
What is the shape of the histogram?
c) What values of the random variable X would you consider unusual?

MyMathLab Binomial Probability Questions

Write the binomial probability in words. Then, use a continuity correction to convert the binomial probability to a normal distribution probability.
P(x = 81)

Write the probability in words

Which of the following is the normal probability statement that corresponds to the binomial probability statement?
a. P(x < 81.5)
b. P(X > 81.5)
c. P(80.5 < x < 81.5)
d. P(x>80.5)
e. P(x < 80.5)
A student answers all 48 questions on a multiple-choice test by guessing. Each question has four possible answers, only one of which correct. Find the probability that the student gets exactly 15 correct answers. Use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution.

 *Answer., 0.0823, 0.8577, 0.0606, 0.7967*