Understanding Factorial Designs

Qn1. Interaction effects explore which of the following?

-How the response changes as factors change
- How the response is affected by levels of a factor
- How the response is differently affected by levels of one factor based on levels of another factor.
- How the response is differentially affected by levels of one factor depending on the different levels of the factor can take on 
- None of the above

Qn2. Which of the following is a description of a 3x2 factorials design?

  • Comparison of task completion times using each of three drawing tools while at a standing desk and a sitting desk
  • Comparison of task completion times while working at one of three desk types with one of the two drawings tools.
  • Comparison of task completion times using drawing tool at a desk
  • Comparison of task completion times using a drawing tool at a standing or sitting desk three times
  • Comparison of task completion times using a drawing tool at a standing or sitting desk

Qn3. Parallel lines on an interaction plot often indicate the presence of a statistically significant interaction effect

  • True
  • False

Qn4. Assuming small variances in comparison to means, which effects are most likely present given the following interaction plot?

  • A significant main effect of Numbers
  • A significant main effect of letters
  • A significant numbers x Letters interaction

Qn5. Assuming small variances in comparison to means, which effects are mostly likely present given the following interaction plot

  • A significant main effect of numbers
  • A significant main effect letters
  • A significant numbers x letters interaction

Qn10. The aligned rank transform (ART) generally refers to which procedure?

  • For each main and interaction effect, align the data and conduct an ANOVA
  • For each main and interaction effect, rank the data and conduct ANOVA
  • For each main and interaction effect, align the data, rank it, and conduct an ANOVA

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Tag:factorial anova, mymathlab anova

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