Understanding Experiment Designs

  1. What might account for random error in an experimental measure?

    • natural variation among and within subjects
    • A systematic flaw in the logging software
    • A pattern of dropped data for every fifth subject
    • Biased observations
  2. Which of the following would be an ordinal response? (Mark all tha apply)

    • Responses on a Likert-type scale
    • Height in centimeters of each subject
    • Favorite color of each subject
    • How spicy each subject prefers their Thai food using 1-5 stars

      • The number of heads resulting from one-hundred coin flips
  3. In an experiment, factors are the independent variables manipulated by the experimenter, and level are the specific values a factor can take on.

    • True
    • False
  4. A between-subjects factor is most precisely defined by which of the following characteristic?

    • Each subject experiences more than one level of the factor
    • Each subject experiences only one level of the factor,
    • Each subject experiences all levels of the factor.
    • Each subject experiences all but one level of the factor.
    • None of the above
  5. A within-subjects factor is most precisely defined by which of the following characteristic?

    • Each subject experiences more than one level of the factor.
    • Each subject experiences only one level of the factor,
    • Each subject experiences all levels of the factor.
    • Each subject experiences all but one level of the factor.
    • None of the above
  6. If a given factor has four levels and subjects experience two of the four levels, that factor is most precisely described as:

    • A within-subjects factor
    • A between-subjects factor
    • A partial within-subjects factor
    • A partial between-subjects factor
    • None of the above
  7. Balanced experimental designs are where every subject experiences every level of every factor

    • True
    • False
  8. The most common use of an independent-samples t-test is to examine which of the following?

    • One set of subjects that all does the same thing
    • One set of subjects that does two different things
    • Two sets of subjects that do the exact same thing
    • Two sets of subjects that do different things
    • None of the above
  9. Which of the following is the most proper way to report a t-test result?

    • t(14) = 2.76. p = .015
    • t(14) = 2.76, p < .05
  10. A t-test is a test suited to one factor with two levels

    • True
    • False

Tag:experimental statistics assignments, understanding experimental designs, statistics homework

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