Posts tagged with oneway anova quiz help

Understanding Oneway Designs

Qn1. The issue that requires an experimenter to use a oneway ANOVA instead of a t-test is when there are more than two response categories available.


Qn2. Which of the following is the equivalent nonparametric analysis to a parametric oneway ANOVA?

-Kruskal-Wallis test
-Mann-Whitney U test
None of the above

Qn3. Typically, an ANOVA uses which distribution and test statistic?


Qn4. If an omnibus oneway ANOVA for a three-level factor is statistically significant, it does not mean that post hoc pairwise comparisons are allowed.


Qn5. Which of the following is the most proper way to report an F-test result?

-F(14) = 9.07, p = 0.009
-F(14) = 9.06, p < 0.01
-F(1,14)=  9.09, p = 0.009
-F(1,14) = 9.06, p < .01

-None of the above

Qn6. A oneway ANOVA is characterized by which experimental design?

-An Experiment with a single between-subject factor of exactly two levels.
-An experiment with a single between-subjects factor of two to more levels.
-An experiment with a single within-subjects factor of exactly two levels.
 -An experiment with a single within-subjects factor of two or more levels.
-None of the above