Posts tagged with Hypothesis testing steps

STAT 170 – Elementary Statistics Quantitative Reasoning Project
Use the following steps to test hypotheses about your statistics project.

When the problem involves hypothesis testing, use the following structure for written reports.
• Step 1: State the hypotheses.
• Step 2: Summarize the data for your readers.
• Step 3: Give the value of the test statistic and the p-value.
• Step 4: Use the p-value to draw a conclusion. State the conclusion in statistical
terms: Reject Ho in favor of Ha, or retain Ho (fail to reject Ho).
• Step 5: State the conclusion in layman terms and in context of the application. Use the
p-value to state the strength of the evidence.
• p-value > .10
retain Ho – there is insufficient evidence to reject Ho in favor of Ha
• .05 < p-value ≤ .10
gray area -- decision to reject Ho or retain Ho is up to the investigators – there is some
evidence against Ho and in support of Ha
• .01 < p-value ≤ .05
reject Ho in favor of Ha – there is fairly strong evidence against Ho and in favor of Ha
• .001 < p-value ≤ .01
reject Ho in favor of Ha – there is strong evidence against Ho and in favor of Ha
• p-value ≤ .001
reject Ho in favor of Ha – there is very strong evidence against Ho and in favor of Ha

Use your TI-83/TI-84 calculator for all of these problems. You will not need any tables.
Use the Sample Test 3 Questions—Answer Key (posted in Canvas) as an example of what my
expectations are.